Iotti+Pavarani, in team with Centro Cooperativo di Progettazione, won first prize in two phases competition in Langhirano (PR), for the requalification of the urban central area, with a new civic and conference center.
28 Nov 2012
School complex in Cavezzo
Iotti+Pavarani took part to restricted competition for a new school complex in Cavezzo (MO);
competition was organized by Fondazione Renzo Piano together with Corriere della Sera and Tg di La7, that arranged a fund raising to help people of Cavezzo, hit by the earthquake on 20 and 29 of may.
12 Oct 2012
Campovolo - A masterplan for a concert arena park in Reggio Emilia
The concept design for Campovolo, a masterplan for a concerts arena park in Reggio Emilia, was introduced in a press conference at Reggio Emilia Town Hall on 26th sept, by Paolo Iotti and Marco Pavarani, together with Mimmo Spadoni (town special projects councillor), Ferdinando Salzano and Claudio Maioli.
30 Sept 2012
La Ceramica e il Progetto Award - First Prize
Domus Technica Immergas is awarded with 1st Prize at "La Ceramica e il Progetto Award 2012" for commercial and hospitaly category.
Prize giving ceremony was held at Cersaie in Bologna on 27th september 2012.
10 Jun 2012
Oris 74
"On Sustainable Elegance":
Domus Technica Immergas published on "Oris 74" (Zagreb), with a text by Giovanni Vragnaz.
10 May 2012
Jury member in competition "Piazza d'Armi Urban Park"
Paolo Iotti is jury member in international competition "Piazza d'Armi Urban Park" - set up by Municipality of L'Aquila - together with Arch.Juan Manuel Palerm Salazaar, Arch.Angelo Patrizio, Arch.Antonio Perrotti, Arch.Gianfranco Agostinetto.
5 May 2012
Second prize in competition for new Town Hall in Rodano
Iotti+Pavarani, together with Ai Engineering, won the Second Prize in competition to design the new Town Hall in Rodano.
25 Jan 2012
12 best sustainable buildings in Emilia Romagna
Domus Technica Immergas was selected as one of the 12 best sustainable buildings in Emilia Romagna, by "Osservatorio sull'Architettura Sostenibile in Emilia Romagna".
Project will be exhibited inside the event "ECOCASA 2012" (Reggio Emilia, 16-19 feb 2012).
Paolo Iotti and Marco Pavarani will attend to the conference-meeting "Sostenibile Emilia Romagna", on 17 february (15,00 - 18,00) at Sala Auditorium Fiere di Reggio Emilia.
20 Jan 2012
A focus on "Fondazione Renzo Piano Award" on:
12 Jan 2012
US Award 2011 - 3rd prize

Prize giving ceremony will be held at Il Sole 24 Ore headquarters in Milan on 8th february 2012 (at 17.30).
Awarded projects on,1254,58_FLP_758,00.html
Awarded projects on,1254,58_FLP_758,00.html
you can vote for “US Award Popular Vote” at,1254,58_ART_5234,00.html