22 Oct 2011

Parish house Regina Pacis - groundbreaking ceremony

On 16th of October was held the groundbreaking ceremony of the Parish house Regina Pacis in Reggio Emilia.
The new building will host a multi-purpose hall (auditorium, conference and meeting room, with seating for up to 200 people), nine rooms for catechism, spaces for elderly and other services; it will be completed within the end of 2012.

12 Oct 2011

International Workshop Roma 3.0

Paolo Iotti and Marco Pavarani will take part as tutors at the international workshop "Roma 3.0", organized by Facoltà di Architettura Roma Tre (prof.Paolo Desideri and -scape), from 25th to 29th of October in Roma.
A lecture by Iotti+Pavarani held on thursday 27th October.

10 Oct 2011

The Kent State University Forum on City - CittàEmilia

Paolo Iotti will attend the conference "The role of architecture" inside the seminar "The Kent State University Forum on City - CittàEmilia" (28th of October, Palazzo Cerchi, Florence).

2 Oct 2011

Restricted competition for a masterplan in Sappada

Iotti+Pavarani shortlisted for restricted competition to design a masterplan in Sappada (BL), for a new sport and hotel complex.